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miero Hifi inventar
Založený: 08 september 2010 Príspevky: 11612 Bydlisko: Praha
Zaslal: Ut august 27, 2024 10:20:27 Predmet: Topping B100 (T'ang-ku-la mono 100W) |
citácia: | The T'ang-ku-la Module uses a brand new three-stage feedback circuit technology. It reduces circuit noise and high-frequency distortion, thereby increasing the dynamic range of the power amplifier to 151 dB. This technology also significantly lowers the heat produced by circuits, further boosting the reliability of the circuits, extending service life, and effectively diminishing thermal noise.
THD <0.00007%
SNR 151dB
DNR 151dB
Actual noise level <0.3uVrms @G=L
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misog Hifista - zaslúžilec
Založený: 08 apríl 2013 Príspevky: 644 Bydlisko: Vajkovce
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